Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2024)                   Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology 2024, 7(1): 21-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Atri R, ShafiZadeh H, Soleimani N. (2024). Analysis of the Lived Experience of Teachers' Violence towards Afghan Students in Primary Schools. Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology. 7(1), 21-31. doi:10.61838/kman.ijes.7.1.3
URL: http://iase-idje.ir/article-1-1345-en.html
1- PhD Student, Department of Educational Management, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
2- Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
Abstract:   (788 Views)
Purpose: Immigration always faces challenges and one of the can be investigated challenges in this field is violence towards immigrants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analysis the lived experience of teachers' violence towards Afghan students in primary schools.

Methodology: The present study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was descriptive from type of qualitative. The research population was of Afghan elementary school students who had experienced of violence from teachers and principals of elementary schools, which 20 students and 10 principals were selected as samples through purposive sampling method. The research tool was a semi-structured and in-depth interview based on researcher-made questions, and the validity of the interviews was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was obtained by the agreement coefficient method between two coders at 0.79. The data of the present study were analyzed by the coding method in MAXQDA-Pro software.

Findings: The findings of this study indicated that the types of teachers' violence have 17 concepts in 3 components of verbal violence (6 concepts), behavioral violence (6 concepts) and physical violence (5 concepts), the effects of teachers' violence have 22 concepts in 4 components of mental (9 concept), academic (4 concepts), physical (3 concepts) and social (6 concepts) and control strategies of teachers' violence have 19 concepts in 5 components of educational (5 concepts), employment (3 concepts), planning (5 concepts), disciplinary (3 concepts) and cultural (3 concepts). Also, the pattern of types of teachers' violence, effects of teachers' violence and control strategies of teachers' violence were designed.

Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended to the education managers to use the control strategies of teachers' violence in order to reduce the types of teachers' violence and its effects.
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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/09/25 | Accepted: 2023/12/13 | Published: 2024/03/6

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