Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)                   Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology 2023, 6(2): 212-224 | Back to browse issues page

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Heydari R, Yousefi Z, Mahdad A. (2023). How to Prepare Own Child for Career Path Success? Analyzing the Educational Components of Parents for Career Path Success from Childhood: A Sample of Qualitative Content Analysis. Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology. 6(2), 212-224. doi:10.61186/ijes.6.2.212
URL: http://iase-idje.ir/article-1-1309-en.html
1- PhD student, Department of Psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2- Faculty member, Department of Psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author).
3- Faculty member, Department of Psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Abstract:   (594 Views)
Purpose: Parenting plays an important role in the correct guidance of children to their career path succeed. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the educational components of parents for career path success from childhood.
Methodology: This research in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of exploratory. The population of this research was all the documents including books and articles about the career path success from childhood in the range of 2013 to 2022 years. According to the inclusion criteria number of 15 books and articles were selected as samples with the purposive sampling method. Data was collected by taking notes from documents. Also, to analyze the data used from Hsieh and Shannon (2005) content analysis method.
Findings: The findings indicated that the educational components of parents for career path success from childhood had 6 comprehensive codes, 14 organizing codes and 56 primary codes. In this study, comprehensive codes include fostering love to learning (with 2 organizing codes of setting the context for learning and practical learning opportunities), group activity training (with 3 organizing codes of learning manners, integrating teamwork skills in everyday life and preparing to solve teamwork conflicts), training resourcefulness and resourcefulness (with 3 organizing codes of teaching the art of positive skepticism, exposing the child to resourceful and resourceful models and fostering resourcefulness skills), developing an intellectual perspective (with 2 organizing codes of providing new experiences and training of foresight), preparation for networking and conversation in the labor market (with 2 organizing codes of fostering reflective performance and fostering practical and communication skills) and age-appropriate understanding from the labor market (with 2 organizing codes of child's mental preparation for the future labor market and practical preparation for the future labor market). Finally, the pattern of comprehensive and organizing codes of educational components of parents for career path success from childhood was drawn.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, for the career path success can use from the identified comprehensive and organizing codes in this research and provide the ground for their realization.
Full-Text [PDF 368 kb]   (250 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/30 | Accepted: 2023/09/16 | Published: 2023/09/22

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